Posts by Susie

Embracing Change…

Posted by on May 12, 2020 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Embracing Change…

As we know, we replace thousands of cells every minute…when you complete the reading of this message, we could say that you will be a different person…physically, cells will have been replaced, mentally, you have more information to digest, emotionally, you will react to how comfortable the information is for you. Change is constant, and inevitable…so why do we only feel safe if everything, and everyone stays the same? Familiarity gives us a false sense of security! How much safer we all would truly be, if we had present moment awareness of “What is”, in our life…we...

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How to smudge video

Posted by on Apr 20, 2017 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on How to smudge video

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Posted by on Sep 21, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Eternal

The following quote really hit home with me today. I frequently find myself asking students how the story they are telling serves their Eternal Self…I’m referring to the Soul…the Self that is expressing here in the physical, and is eternal, rather than the body mind or as it’s often called, the ego self. This quote brought to my attention that the awareness, or “knowing” that each and every one of us are Eternal Consciousness” may not be common knowledge…To me eternity means no beginning and no end…feel the words of the quote below and...

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We Are Love

Posted by on Aug 25, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on We Are Love

“We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.” -Ben Sweetland This idea is true however it would also be true that if we hold a torch to light our own path, we offer the choice for others to join our walk in the light while giving them free will to choose their own path and the amount of light they are ready and willing to share. When we release the need to control others so that we feel better, we are able then to then feel our own true nature….and our nature is pure love! Namaste

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Posted by on Aug 8, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Gardening

Today we want to share with you the following quotes that metaphorically remind us that the out picturing of our life at this very moment is the result of our thoughts words and choices until now…in every moment we have the opportunity to change our life experience and the changes will be revealed as we make them. Enjoy: “My garden is an honest place. Every tree and every vine are incapable of concealment, and tell after two or three months exactly what sort of treatment they have had. The sower may mistake and sow his peas crookedly: the peas make no mistake but come and show...

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