Mercury Goes Direct!!!

Posted by on Feb 11, 2015 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Mercury Goes Direct!!!

Just a reminder that the planet Mercury goes direct today and just in time for Valentines Day… It would be odd to find many sojourners who have no awareness of Valentines Day…so there is an enormous amount of collective focused energy going towards Love at the moment…what it is? how it shows up, if you have it, if you don’t have it, and what your relationship is with it. This February is the month of “improvement”… The perfect opportunity to improve our personal relationship with love and to remember and acknowledge the unconditional love that always surrounds us from Nature, Spirit and all the Elementals. Feel appreciation for all who have loved you in the best way they know or knew how….Forgive any experience where LOVE was out of balance. And above all… be your own VALENTINE! Feel the Love!!! Namaste