
Posted by on Apr 16, 2014 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Forgiveness

Forgiveness Let’s talk about forgiveness today…this isn’t a subject that comes up for me personally very often as it’s my experience that the pain I ever suffer that would normally require my forgiveness is always caused by my response to someone else’s words or actions…the other person has really just told me who they are by their deeds and have given me an opportunity to interact with them on the level of who they truly are…that doesn’t mean I don’t cause myself to suffer for awhile…I often do…and then, I see the truth of the situation and come to know that it’s my reaction or resistance…my wanting the person to be different than who they are…that causes my pain…for many this theory and practice doesn’t make sense..too woowoo…etc…. so I found some teachings by Iyanla Vanzant that doesn’t argue my knowing and yet may inspire the healing of more individuals than my teachings by its clarity that we can ease our suffering with forgiveness…so here goes…Iyanla’s work says: The law of forgiveness states that certain ideas must be dissolved and cleared from the mind in order that new ideas of a different character may replace them. Through forgiveness we create new realities that allow us to experience greater love and freedom…forgiveness sets the stage for a new act in our lives to begin…holding on to judgements about experiences and people keeps us in limitation. Whether you relate easier to my words or Iyanla’s…the vibration of feeling wronged will cause you to suffer…releasing that energy will free you to thrive in peace and joy…harmony and cooperation….Namaste